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Monday, January 18, 2010

Staying Comfy


How do you stay warm and Cozy? Hot soup? Share a recipe! Wood or central heat? A cozy blanket, and a good book? Come share what keeps you, and your family feeling cozy through the long winter.

Country Granny wrote,
At our house we burn wood most of the time.  To stay warm when it's really cold I like to make a pot of coffee, put on my warmest, fuzzest socks, grab a good book and curl up in our old recliner beside the heater.   When my grand-children are here we make hot chocolate for them and they like to do puzzles, draw and color pictures, or read next to the stove.  Some times I tell them stories about how it was when I was a child.  It was a lot different then.  They like to add their comments too. 
We like to watch old movies too.  White Christmas, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and several others.  One of my grand-daughters, thought that when they made black and white movies that everything was black and white the reason the movies were that way.  She ask me when every thing got color.  You learn lots of things keeping warm around an old wood stove.


  1. That coffee sounds good. It ALL sounds good. I love this. I'd like to hear some more of those comments the grandkids make. I'll bet they make y'all laugh. Everything was black and white that's a good one. I love old movies too, especially White Christmas.
    Thanks for making this SO much fun.
    Have the girls go ahead, and post when they're ready if they want to.
    Love y'all!

  2. Did you tell her when we got color? I love hearing about your cold days. My kid used to like "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," too.
    I enjoy coming here to read.

  3. I like to read a good book by the fire with warm socks, too. Hot chocolate is perfect for that occasion, also. Thank you for sharing all your "Staying Comfy" ideas.
    P.S. I LOVE coffee too.


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